Tuesday, 12 June 2018

Two Spinor-valued formulations of Einstein-Cartan Equations

The field equations of a Metric theory can be derived from a first order Palatini formalism where an orthonormal frame \theta^a is used and in which the constraint that the dynamical connection is a metric compatible connection Q_{ab}=-\ ^\Gamma\nabla g_{ab}=0 is put in by hand. The field equations read:

\ ^\star F^a{}_{b}\wedge\theta^b = -8\pi{} T^a
\ ^\Gamma\nabla\eta^{ab}=\eta^{abc}\wedge\Theta_c=-8\pi{}\tau^{ab}
where the components of the energy-momentum, T_{ab} and spin tensors, \tau_{abc} are given in terms of the three forms T_{a}=T_{ab}\eta^b\tau_{ab}=\tau_{abc}\eta^c with \eta^a=\ ^*\theta^a
Here \theta^a is an orthonormal “dual” (to tetrad) frame where indices a=(0,1,2,3) are Lorentzian time-space indices of a freely falling frame.

Kinematical differential Multivector framework

As Euler-Lagrange equations of a Lagrangian field theory, these Einstein-Cartan equations lend themselves to many alternative kinematical descriptions. Indeed they may be considered as a conservation law for a certain Sparling 3-form defined on the bundle of orthonormal frames over spacetime, M. They are most elegantly presented as two spinor-valued differential 3-form equations, \ ^\Gamma\nabla(\theta^A{}_{A'}\wedge\theta^{BA'})={\sigma}^{AB}
so that F^A{}_B\wedge\theta^{BA'}={S}^{AA'}, where {\sigma}^{AB} and {S}^{AA'} are known source quantities.
For our purposes the main kinematical objects of a Variational principle are the 1-forms \theta^{AA'}. These are the co-frame, verbein objects that are Einstein’s freely falling elevator.  This dynamical variable, \theta^{AA'}=\theta^{AA'}{}_\mu dx^\mu is a Hermitian matrix-valued one-form from which the (real Lorentzian) metric is given as ds^2=\epsilon_{AB}\epsilon_{A'B'}\theta^{AA'}\otimes\theta^{BB'}.

For Real General Relativity the soldering functor is required to be real (\overline{\theta^a}=\theta^a)\overline{\theta_{\mu}{}^{AA'}}=\theta_{\mu}{}^{AA'}.
In constructing the 4-form Palatini Lagrangian we can make use of higher order multivector constructions based on the co-frame such as \eta^{AA'}=\frac{i}{3}(\theta^{AB'}\wedge\theta^{BA'}\wedge\theta_{BB'})
The internal indices AA' associated to the spin structure over space-time only acquires the interpretation as spinor indices through the dynamical soldering form, \theta^{AA'}{}_\mu. A priori there is no relation between the tangent space and the internal space of the vector bundle B associated to the spinor structure over space time, M. Rather if a (non compact) spacetime manifold, M admits a global null tetrad it has a spinor-structure {PB}defined on it. A spinor structure, PB is a principal fibre bundle with structure group SL(2,\mathbb{C}), the gauge group for spinor dyads. The (real) space-time manifold carries a SL(2,\mathbb{C}) spin (trivial vector) bundle, B associated to PB and its conjugate on it. The tensor product of these two bundles can be identified with the complexified tangent bundle. Each fibre, S\equiv \mathbb{C}^2 of B consists of a 2-complex dimensional vector space equipped with a symplectic metric, \epsilon_{AB}.

Cartan’s Structure Equations

With \Gamma^A{}_B and \bar{\Gamma}^{A'}{}_{B'} (complex conjugate) sl(2,\mathbb{C})-valued connection one-forms and the torsion two form denoted as \Theta^{AA'}, the first Cartan structure equation reads
That is,
\Theta^{AA'}:=\nabla\theta_{AA'}, where \nabla\equiv\ ^\Gamma\nabla denotes the exterior covariant derivative with respect to the sl(2,\mathbb{C})-valued connection(s).
The internal `symplectic metric’, \epsilon_{AB} is given as fixed so that the internal SL(2,\mathbb{C})connection is then traceless \Gamma_{AB}=\Gamma_{BA} due to \nabla\epsilon_{AB}=0.
Defining the basis of anti-self dual two-forms as
The second Cartan structure equations take the complex form
{ F}^A_{\ B}:=d\Gamma^A_{\ B}+\Gamma^A_{C}\wedge\Gamma^C_{\ B}\quad
{ F}^A_{\ B}:={\Psi}^A_{\ BCD}\Sigma^{CD}+{\Phi}^A_{\ BC'D'}\bar\Sigma^{C'D'}+2\Lambda\Sigma^A_{\ B}+(\chi_{D}{}^{A}\Sigma_{B}{}^{D}+\chi_{DB}\Sigma^{AD})
where the curvature two-form, { F}^A_{\ B}, has been decomposed into spinor fields of dimension 5,9,1 and 3 respectively , corresponding to the anti-self dual part of the Weyl conformal spinor, \Psi^A_{\ BCD}, the spinor representation of the trace-free part of the Ricci tensor, -2\Phi^A_{\ BC^\prime D^\prime} and the Ricci scalar 24\Lambda, – all with respect to the curvature of the SL(2,\mathbb{C}) connection and \chi^{AB} arising from the presence of non-zero torsion.
Here we have used the basis of  anti-self dual two-forms \Sigma^{AB}, defined in terms of the co-frame dynamical variable for mere ease of exposition. As we will see in a later post these objects can be treated as the bona fide, fully chiral dynamical “graviton” field object in tis own right.

Semi-Chiral Lagrangian formulation Equations

Two Euler-Lagrange equations arise from Lagrangians of the general form
L_{Tot} = (\Gamma^A{}_B,\theta^{AA'},\rho..), with \theta^{AA'} hermitian and \rho representing some matter fields.
The internal SO(1,3)_{\mathbb{C}}^-\cong SL(2,\mathbb{C}) connection is not associated to the tangent bundle and is thus not a linear connection but a spinor connection. The variation of the Lagrangian with respect to \Gamma^A{}_B will determine this connection in terms of the co-frame so that the bundle B can then be considered soldered to M. The co-frame variation evaluated at the particular value of the connection just determined gives equations for the co-frames only. There exists a unique Levi Civita connection, \omega (with curvature \Omega) so the sl(2,\mathbb{C})connection, \Gamma can be decomposed according to
F^A{}_B=\Omega^A{}_B+\ ^\omega\nabla K^A{}_B+ K^A{}_C\wedge K_{B}{}^{C}
where K^A{}_B is the contorsion one form, irreducibly written in terms of totally symmetric and`axial’ parts as
The Einstein-Matter equations owing to the triviality of the Bianchi Identity
have the simpler form,
It is possible to solve for K^A{}_B and replace any \Gamma^A{}_B in { S}^{AA'} by \omega^A{}_B+K^A{}_B.

Semi-Chiral Lagrangian for Fermion fields

The Lagrangian for fermion matter has a dependence on the connection so admits torsion contributions but nevertheless can be written as the sum of a semi-chiral complex Lagrangian for vacuum General Relativity, L_{SC}(\theta,\Gamma), a complex (semi)chiral fermion matter Lagrangian, L_{\frac{1}{2}} and a term, L_{J^2} that ensures the standard Einstein-Weyl form of the field equations,
L_{SC}(\theta,\Gamma)= i\theta^{A}{}_{A'}\wedge\theta^{BA'}\wedge F_{AB},
{L}_{J^2}(\lambda,\tilde{\lambda})=\frac{3}{16} \lambda_{A}\tilde{\lambda}_{A'}\lambda^A\tilde{\lambda}^{A'},
L_{Tot}= L_{SC}+ L_{\frac{1}{2}}+ L_{J^2}.
The \lambda_A(\tilde{\lambda}_{A'}) are the left (resp. right)-handed zero forms.
The theory uses only the anti-self dual connection, { D} (which does not act on tensors, so for example
but is complete and it turns out, (by varying K^A{}_B), that the real source current, J_{AA'}=\lambda_A\lambda_{A'}=-J_{A'A} supports only the axial part of the torsion of \Gamma^A{}_B,
Because ultimately the real theory is of interest (where \tilde{\lambda}{}_{A'}=\overline{\lambda_A} and \theta is hermitian) it proves useful to extend { D} to \nabla. Although it is argued that the spin \frac{1}{2} field variables can be taken to be either Grassman [or complex]-valued, in fact the use of complex spin \frac{1}{2} fields leads to a non-standard energy-momentum tensor which includes quartic spin \frac{1}{2} fields.
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